Thursday, July 16, 2015

Prairie Girls

by Collette
It’s Tayler again, and I have to tell you about the fun I had today. My whole school walked to the big hall downtown, and so did all of the other elementary schools. We were all vaccinated for polio. Normally I hate shots, but this wasn’t a shot. The nurses gave each of us a little sugar cube with a bright pink spot on it. All we had to do was suck on it until it melted in our mouths. I had a good time with my friends as we walked.
Also, I am glad this will keep me from getting polio because my parents thought I got it when I was three, but it wasn’t. My family knows a little girl who has it, and she can’t come to school any more.
                                   By Judy

Lives were saved when the polio vaccine was discovered. As a mother, I am grateful the vaccination was available for my children. Because I am not a child, I thought my need for vaccinations was a thing of the past. However, a few years ago, I had an opportunity to travel overseas. Before I said bon voyage, though, my immunizations had to be brought current. I didn’t enjoy the shots, but I did enjoy my travels and am happy I returned healthy.

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