Thursday, September 3, 2015


                                     by Collette

Fascism can simply be defined as radical nationalism with a dictator. Adolf Hitler of Germany, Benito Mussolini of Italy and Tojo of Japan developed their own particular brand of fascism in their respective countries and eventually united as the Axis Powers during WWII. While fascism was effective in pulling the countries from the depths of the Great Depression, each nation used strong force to get to power and keep their individual authoritarian governments in place. Eventually the fascist regimes destroyed all civil rights of it citizenry and utilized extreme measures to keep their dictatorships in place.

The goal of each government was to conquer other weaker nations and spread their fascist doctrine. That goal included the extermination of dissidents and Jews. It took the Second World War to halt their aggression and end their dictatorships.

The following might prove helpful in understanding fascism:





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